No Ordinary Story is a summary of the core message of the Holy Bible. The key stories of the Bible are tied together into one, all-encompassing narrative.


An excellent resource for those with limited or no biblical background knowledge. (AS)


Excellent linear, concise, stepped message ...Great asset answering those many questions that are asked (often in a challenging way) ... (GR)


Logical: The most common feedback is that “the Bible makes so much sense.” How does that happen? No Ordinary Story is written using four basic principles of learning that are used in school and university classrooms every day. These four common sense principles open the world of the Bible to everyone, not just trained scholars.


Objective: No Ordinary Story allows the Bible to speak for itself. There is no arm-twisting. The message is presented objectively; the decision to believe or not is left to the reader.


Audience: No Ordinary Story assumes the reader has little or no prior knowledge of the Bible.


Age: Appropriate for Teens and Adults.


Format: Available for a spectrum of learning preferences—read, watch and listen.


No Ordinary Story is an excellent resource to gain a feel for the world’s best seller.


No Ordinary Book – (48-page booklet) Where did the Bible come from? Who wrote it?

How can I know if it is reliable information?

No Ordinary Story – Core Message (8 booklet series)

No Ordinary Story – Complete Series (11 booklet series, including Core Message)

No Ordinary Story – Radio Theatre


No Ordinary Book

Where did the Bible come from?

Who wrote it?

How can I know if it is reliable information?


No Ordinary Book is a “quick read” answering some of the more common questions about the Bible itself. It does not investigate the Bible’s message, but instead looks at the origins of the Bible, its structure, and why we should get acquainted with its content.


Appropriate for pre-Teens, Teens and Adults


48-Page Booklet


No Ordinary Story - Core Message

8-Booklet Series


Richly illustrated: Uses line art or graphics on every two-page spread.


Videos: Includes 59 video segments to complement the text in the booklets. Filmed on location in the Holy Land or in a studio to explain visual aids.


Bite-sized: Each book has 40 pages of content, broken into 10 chapters. This format keeps the content moving and readers can quickly move to the next booklet.


No Ordinary Story - Complete Series

11-Booklet Series:  Core Message plus No Ordinary Book and two additional booklets with follow-up content


Videos: Additional 9 video segments to help explain the text in the booklets.


No Ordinary Story - Radio Theatre

No Ordinary Story-Radio Theatre brings the biblical storyline to life with 17 memorable songs--a whole hour’s worth of music. Intertwined with the music is the true stories of Rajiv, Julie and Richard as they grapple with the message of the Bible. Everyone, whether from the east or the west, will be able to identity with some part of their story.


107-minute radio drama. Available either as download or a 2-CD set.

"The Bible represented my enemy’s religion, at least that is how I thought of it. I hated it. So, when I was asked if I wanted to learn about the Bible, well, on the outside I would be polite because that is what I was trained to do in my culture, but inside my mind, I would be looking for any flaws that would expose the whole thing as a fraud."  –Rajiv


"In my mind...oh, I was in a dark, dark place. On more than one occasion, I found myself in my bedroom, on my face, banging my fists on the floor, calling out, “God, if there is a God, show yourself to me.” But... I received no answer." –Julie


"Now whether on a plane or a train, I’m quite content to just sit in my seat and be quiet. I come from part of the world where you don’t discuss religion. So, there’s a natural resistance inside me to say anything about the Bible." –Richard





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